A few of our readers on the East Coast e-mailed to let us know that tenuously lucid rocker/local personality Courtney Love made the The View the latest stop on her Trip Back From The Bottom Tour, where in the course of continuing to promote her 15 months of sobriety, took some time to lament how cruelly those "awful new websites, you know, the Defamers" treated daughter Frances Bean after paparazzi caught them horseback riding on Mother's Day. We, of course, take umbrage at being lumped in as part of some blogging monolith obsessed with tormenting the teen, as we're sure we'd never cover something as inconsequential as this particular mother-daughter equestrian outing; we're far too busy with weightier matters, like stories about Mom trying to circumvent Starbucks' pet policy, loudly defending the cinematic talents of pal Brett Ratner, or catching a much-needed nap during the Borat premiere. We'd hate for Love to think that she has to compete with her own offspring for our fawning attention.