Classy 'Post' Humble in Victory

When it was announced yesterday that the Post had finally overtaken the News in circulation, we expressed our fervent hopes that the latter would celebrate its victory in a gracious, restrained manner; those hopes were quickly dashed. Comes today's Post, which, in addition to a two-page opening spread full of charts and graphs and gleeful cackling from Ed Koch, includes a four-page "souvenir pullout," featuring some of the paper's finest wood and an embarrassing encomium by Steve Cuozzo which actually compares the Post to the United States during the Cold War and ends with the line "The good guys won again." (You'll find it right after the article by Kevin Federline.) There's a lot to digest here, including the chart we've posted at right: We're just going to say that in our dictionary, "scourge" is defined as "a whip or lash, esp. for the infliction of punishment or torture." So, you know, they got something right.