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  • Blogger Michael Arrington holds his New York City TechCrunch party at BED, the bar/restaurant furnished with beds instead of couches, once featured on Sex in the City. One Yelp reviewer says, "It's a definite must for the bridge-and-tunnel crowd." Expect plenty of confusion as the selective bouncers reject Arrington's more unfashionable guests. [TechCrunch]
  • Meanwhile, Arrington keeps collecting blog enemies, including Paul Stamatiou, who puts Arrington at the top of his list of insufferably ignorant bloggers with undeserved fame. [Drums n Whistles, Paul Stamatiou]
  • How do startup founders prepare for fawning profiles in the mainstream press? By getting fawning profiles in the college press. Most ridiculously laudatory line: "Gregarious and not exactly shy, Afrooz has already assembled a respectable number of Facebook friends at Berkeley, despite living off campus." [UC Berkeley News]
  • MySpace gets ready to scrub copyrighted music from the site — not such a big deal since every band puts its own music up there anyway. [Reuters]
  • founder Mark Pincus gets an e-mail from the head of The new dating site begs the males dominating its user base to sign up their hot female friends. As Mark notes, what a lame plan — and free premium accounts for women is a sure sign of a lousy dating site. [Mark Pincus]
  • A Forbes writer brilliantly spins the plague of awful startup names (Pluggd, Gabbr, Wufoo) as a sign of prudent spending — these unregistered domains cost their new owners about eight bucks a pop, instead of the $10,000 demanded for URLs like [Forbes]
  • Local video blog Geek Entertainment TV interviews Apple co-founder and Segway enthusiast Steve Wozniak about the company's recent recall. [GETV]