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There's still no script for the Superman Returns sequel planned for summer of 2009, but Warner Bros. has decided to give director Bryan Singer another crack at trying to break the $300 million budget mark he fell a little short of in his first attempt. [Variety]
Behind Desperate Housewives (that show's still on? We always thought that series ceased existing after we delete their TiVo season passes), ABC "tramples" the Sunday night ratings competition. [THR]
· Tori Spelling attempts to stave off destitution by renting herself to Oxygen for a reality series, which will chronicle her and her husband's attempt to buy and refurbish a bed-and-breakfast somewhere in SoCal. [Variety]
· The Devil Wears Prada wins its fourth straight week at the international box office. [THR]
Warner Bros. bumps up the release of Blood Diamond to December 8th, setting up a showdown with Mel Gibson's Apocalypto, which the studio hopes to defeat through an ad campaign focused around the phrase, "Hate Conflict Diamonds. Not Jews." [Variety]