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Hollywood's apple pie couple—button-nosed screen dumpling Reese Witherspoon and husband Ryan Phillippe, currently featured on the cover of Interview magazine in a portrait sure to stir up your every homopatriotic, tree-climbing-related emotion—have announced through their publicist that they have separated, for "cumulative" reasons. Were we the self-starting and/or technically gifted types, we would accompany this regrettable announcement with a slow-motion video montage of the couple's happiest public moments, set to the wistful strains of Witherspoon's own rendition of "Wildwood Flower." (Or, if there were licensing issues, Bird York's equally haunting and not entirely lyrically inappropriate Crash soundtrack contribution, "In The Deep.") We wonder who, if anyone, will be there to cheer on Phillippe should he be nominated for his Flags of Our Fathers work at this year's Golden Globes, as the sad reality sets in that any hopes of witnessing Witherspoon return a desperate, spine-snapping bear-hug of the sort she absorbed from her spouse at last year's ceremony have essentially turned to dust.