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  • Comedy Central rats out YouTube, clips pulled. [NYT]
  • Time Inc. to invest heavily in the Internet components of its top-tier titles. Not in the top tier: Time. Guess The Ana Log doesn't draw as many eyeballs as People's coverage of Vince and Jen. Also, more job cuts to come. [WSJ]
  • You can't sell a book by its cover. Unless, you know, Vince and Jen are on it. [WWD]
  • Just because Katie Couric's dad has Parkinson's and she's donated to Michael J. Fox's foundation doesn't mean she can't deliver a completely impartial interview with Fox. [CBS]
  • Porn baron Richard Desmond to decimate Express staff. [Guardian]
  • Scott "Stereogum" Lapatine now owned by joint consortium of Bob Pittman, Jason Hirschorn. [NYP]