This image was lost some time after publication.

If your friends are like our friends, you probably received a deluge of emails inviting you to join NiggaSpace, because, well, what we need now more than anything else is more social networking sites. And hey, "You definitely don't have to be black to join! We just want to embrace the black culture that continues to innovate and strive!", reads the greeting on the site's front page. Awesome.

However, not everyone is happy with the site, believe it or not.

"That's insane!" said City Councilman Charles Barron. "People need to understand that you don't take a word meaning lowlife and worst kind of human being and use it like that."

Because it we don't stop people from using the n-word on the internet, young black men will start using the word to refer to each other. We can still stem the tide.


Update: We have been informed that Fishbowl had this story first, and moreover, the (uncredited) quotes in the Post article come from Fishbowl's interview with 'Tyrone'. Oh, and judging by the Chappelle's Show reference, the dude is definitely white. Or Asian.