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Sure, tiny downtown banking concern Goldman Sachs named 115 new partnership managing director partner manager people, a title which confers some kind of bajillionaire shield upon those lucky enough to receive it. There are first details at DealBreaker about which of these folk you should immediately try to sleep with, and Intelligencer points out that despite the heaps of cash, this is really the signal to bail from the firm and plow new rows elsewhere. But what does all this mean for, you are no doubt not asking? The Dutch hookup site's owner claimed that "Goldman" was his personal nickname, but that didn't cut any mustard with domain authorities, who took away his URL at Goldman Sachs's request. He has promptly resurrected the exact same site at, which casts a little doubt on his nickname story. Even though the Dutchie says he will fight for his new spot (Goldman Sachs has already filed another complaint), he's also repurposed the venture with the generic name "City of Love." This is the kind of entrepreneurial drive the new partners at GS should respect, before they crush him.

Googled? [Times of London]