After Michael Arrington's suspect post on Edgeio funding, we think now would be a good time for the TechCrunch staff to attend the Social Media Roundtable's discussion on Disclosure.
CNET Offices
235 2nd Street, SF 94105

From Jason Calcanis calling Pay Per Post 'evil' to Mike Arrington being thrashed by Nick Carr and last week, one of the top Social Media aware PR firms Edelman being outed as as the undisclosed sponsors of Wal-Marting Across America.

Too easy, pass.

SF Online Community Report
Hotel Biron
45 Rose Street, SF 94102
7 pm

Reconvened by Susan Tenby of TechSoup. She's been networking nonprofit community leaders in Second Life!

I'd love to go and see if Susan Tenby acutally shows, or if the presentation is done by her avatar.

Talking About Disclosure []
SF Online Community Report []