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A Defamer operative sent in this World! Exclusive! Photo! of a needlepoint pillow featuring the unmistakable likeness of perpetually put-upon screen comic Ben Stiller—an expertly executed craft set for prominent placement in the upcoming Farrelly Brothers production, The Heartbreak Kid (aka The Seven Day Itch). No background prop this, the painstakingly hand-stitched cushion plays a vital role in plot advancement, setting the star off on one of his trademark meltdown scenes that audiences—perhaps "love" is too strong a word here, but certainly expect—to see in a Ben Stiller film. Our operative explains all, after the jump:

I go to Needlepoint on Montana Ave. in Santa Monica. So do quite a few celebs, like Travis Barker (he stopped in a couple of weeks ago to buy his daughter a needlepoint project), Valerie Harper, Katherine Heigl, Kitty Bartholomew (HGTV) to name a few...Anyway, it turns out that DreamWorks hired Needlepoint on Montana to make a pillow for the new Farrelly Brothers/Ben Stiller movie, which is a remake of The Heartbreak Kid. I think they are now calling it The Seven Day Itch. Apparently, the pillow stars as almost a "character" in the movie because Stiller's on-screen wife needlepoints him a pillow that says "World's Greatest Husband" on it. I think the way the story goes is that the pillow sends Ben Stiller over the edge.

Well, Color Me Mine! We had no idea needlepoint had overtaken painting pottery as the craft project obsession of the moment. Still, we're holding out for a renaissance of the string art movement that dominated much of the 1970s, if only to see what the same nail-and-thread techniques that once provided the world with innumerable seagull and owl portraits could do with the wild, untamed beauty of the Butterscotch Stallion.