New York mag's Grub Street had an item yesterday on a taping of Iron Chef America, which ended with, in their own, albeit with tongue somewhat in cheek, "earth shattering revelation".

We mention all this because the curiousity that vanished when we saw the show go down was quickly replaced in our mind by a question that we'd like to pose to the entire New York chef corps: If that much good food can be invented and cooked in an hour, why do restaurants that have six months to prepare a menu so seldom come up with more than two or three interesting dishes?

Well, here's the thing - these dishes aren't "invented" within the hour time limit - chefs receive a list of five ingredients from which the "secret" ingredient used in the competition would be picked. And as much demand as there is for salmon ice cream, the dishes are going to get freakin' expensive with some of the ingredients they use.

Moving on to today's entry, GS brings us tips from Jason Kosmas of Employees Only on how women can meet men in restaurant. The "suave, mustached" Kosmas tells the ladies, "There's nothing sexier than a woman who eats raw meat." Well, to suave, mustached restauranteurs, perhaps.

'Iron Chef' Taping Leads to Earth-Shattering Revelation [Grub Street]
'Iron Chef' ingredients aren't so secret [MSNBC]
Strictly for the Ladies: How to Meet Men in Restaurants [Grub Street}