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A few readers pointed us in the direction of the October 22 entry of the New York Times Book Review podcast featuring Alex Kuczynski (mp3).

Her interview starts at around the 11:00 mark but the real fun begins at 15:40 where she starts talking about her own experiences with cosmetic surgery, or as she says, or as she says

The inspiration for the book was, well, I had liposuction on my bottom and it was truly one of the most bizarre experiences ever. And my bottom looks exactly the same as it did before the liposuction.

While she doesn't explain what was exactly bizarre about it -besides the inherent bizarreness of getting fat sucked out- but one can't help but to giggle at the thought of a grown woman under a certain age using the word "bottom". Though that could just be because we run with a much cruder crowd than the Times Styles section.

Alex goes on to talk about a bonding experience she had over a trivial cosmetic procedure, and touches on the sense of liberation she feels going cold turkey on the nippings and the tuckings. If that's the kind of thing you want to spend six minutes of your life listening to, then pod away.

Book Review Podcast [NYT]