Inheritor Of T.R. Knight's Cell Number Sick Of Getting 'Congrats On Coming Out!' Messages

Not everyone was caught by surprise when Grey's Anatomy star T.R. Knight slipped in a subtle, "So I'm gay, no big whoop, could you pass the yams?" Thanksgiving-style outing last Thursday—at least not according to the pinging of our commenters' highly attuned gaydar, not to mention the counsel of a highly-placed Defamer operative who quietly confided to us, "I suspected something was up when he showed up to the Tony Awards with blue hair." Count's Rob Todd among those in the know as well, as has been on to Knight's not-so-interesting non-secret for at least a month now. He explains:
I have an anonymous source, my very own "Deep Throat," who happened to get Knight's old New York number and has been getting misguided calls for the actor ever since. [...]
[L]ast month, "Deep Throat," received a mysterious text message.
"Hey, it's Brian ... in New York, Kevin's ex. Will be in L.A, for an art auction next week. Wondering what you're up to."
Brian is Kevin's ex? Art auction? Hmmmm [...]
In the wake of Knight going public about being gay, "Deep Throat" has been getting congratulatory text messages from his best friends in the world — people who are so tight with the actor that they don't know he changed his cell number a year ago...Call any time, dear friends.
Of course, the mere fact that Knight had an acquaintance named Kevin, who just happened to have a jetsetting, art-collector lover named Brian, isn't necessarily going to set off any McQueeny alarms. It may have been enough to have planted the seeds of hetero doubt, however, seeds which would soon sprout and grow into a giant, glitter-encrusted rainbow when more implicating text messages followed, such as the one reading, "T.R.: We meet for Pride float bodypainting at 9 am sharp! Don't be late, Miss 'I'm a big TV star now!' Thang!!! xo David & Scott"