Handbags Now Aiming To Out-Hideous The Starlets Who Will Inevitably Own Them
Radar has devoted an entire feature to highlighting the screen-horror inspirations for some of the truly monstrous handbags currently rolling off designer production lines—a clever designer's trick, which, not unlike the slimming effect of vertical lines, transforms whatever plastic surgery disaster happens to be carrying it into a radiant beauty by comparison. While Miu Miu's textured earth tones clearly owe a tip of the hat to Night of the Living Dead's zombie allures, it's Charm and Luck's Sedona bag that manages to overstep the line of homage and teeter on the precipice of outright plagiarism. So reminiscent is it of Predator's titular menace, an unwitting attendee sporting the bag at a recent gubernatorial campaign stop was startled when the Governor, upon spotting the other-worldly accessory, instantly dove behind the podium, then placed an index finger to his lips to silence his concerned handlers, assuring them in an urgent whisper, "If that over-the-shoulder bleeds, we can kill it."