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From today's Page Six:

JOURNALISTS are supposed to report the news, not make it. But that's an axiom Daily News Albany reporter Joe Mahoney apparently forgot yesterday when he was found allegedly drunk behind the wheel of his car at 4:23 a.m., Albany station CBS6 reported last night. Albany police told the station that Mahoney, a one-time flack for former state Attorney General Dennis Vacco, was found asleep inside his stationary car. He was awakened and given a Breathalyzer test, which revealed a blood-alcohol level of .10, 25 percent above the .08 legal limit. Cops then searched the car and found a small quantity of marijuana, according to the TV report. He was charged with driving while intoxicated and marijuana possession. Mahoney didn't return a call seeking comment. But he did send out a contrite e-mail declaring, "I deeply regret my conduct early this morning. I apologize profusely to the community and all those I have disappointed." Daily News spokeswoman Beth Seibold had no immediate reaction.

We at Gawker salute Page Six for its tireless advocacy against inebriates at the wheel. There's no place for that kind of behavior in this city.


Earlier: RJ's DUI: A Misdemeanor, a Violation, and a Cute Little Ford Escape