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  • "Sorry I haven't posted on my blog..." [the f blog via Boing Boing]
  • "Delivering eyeballs to advertisers," 27-year-old founders, excitement about search engine optimization, middleman status, and stretched comparisons to MySpace and YouTube — which is your favorite sign that New York Times subject is a Bubble 1.0 company trapped in Bubble 2.0? [NY Times]
  • Have you seen a California license plate reading "Web Geek"? Can you return it to this driver? [Backup Brain]
  • In the midst of Silicon Valley's stock option backdating scandal, remember how legal backdating works. [Fortune]
  • Leah Culver, she of the ad-supported MacBook Pro, coded the Benniferizer. Sure, you could use it to hook up your lovey-dovey's name (Leah assures me she doesn't see what's entered), or you could play dot-com matchmaker. Sun + Apple = Supple. [Benniferizer]
  • Professional trendwatcher watchers find that the wisdom of the few can outweigh the wisdom of the crowds, which means the last five years have just been leading us back to respect for experts. [Washington Post]
  • Sun CEO Jon Schwartz says he's too badass for Moore's Law. [CRN]