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The world's biggest Internet service provider keeps getting smaller, this week announcing that offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Tucson, Arizona will close in December and 1400 workers will lose their jobs. AOL will also sell its 400-person Ogden, Utah call center, with no guarantee that those employees will keep their jobs.

AOL Netscape head Jason Calacanis, who has a habit of commenting on the company's business moves (especially since this year's customer service scandal), hasn't yet commented on his blog.

AOL is slashing support to cut costs as it moves all broadband customers from a paid plan to a free one, supporting its service with ads. The company seems increasingly desperate to keep customers even as it drops employees.

This cull brings the AOL job toll to 4000 of the 5000 cuts the company promised in August.

AOL Lays Off 1,400 Customer Service Reps [BetaNews]
AOL to lay off 1,400 call center workers [CNet]