Three Rumors About NBC Layoffs We've Read Today: A Round-Up

In the interest of paying some attention, warranted or not, to various rumors about NBC layoffs both "massive" and very targeted circulating on these internets, we present this very special round-up for discussion on your afternoon commute:
· Fishbowl DC hears "reliable grumblings" about the aforementioned "massive" bloodletting, to be announced tomorrow by NBC GE Universal K-Mart hatchetman Jeff Zucker. Verdict: We hear there's some kind of "town hall" meeting with Zucker happening tomorrow, possibly dealing with this. [Fishbowl DC]
· Media-deep-throating sister site Gawker says, "We're hearing that NBC is about to get a lot lighter, employee-wise. Some of what we've been told involves massive layoffs at MSNBC, with the remaining crew moving from Secaucus to 30 Rock." Verdict: See above re: "town hall meeting," but we find rumors about cable news restructuring distressingly unsexy. [Gawker]
· TV Squad claims a "breaking rumor" sent to "TV Squad HQ" that embattled™ NBC president Kevin Reilly was to be fired this afternoon. Verdict: It's 5:30 PST, and still no word, so we assume this is just one of those "Kevin Reilly is getting fired because NBC has been in fourth place for as long as anyone can remember" rumors being floated on an almost daily basis. Besides, he's set to appear at the HRTS Network Chiefs luncheon tomorrow, and it could get really awkward if he didn't actually have a Network Chief job anymore and they had to repossess his nametag. [TV Squad]