To-Do tonight: Jangl up some filet mignon and free booze

- Best. Party. Ever: At Jangl's bash tonight at San Francisco club Mighty, not only is there a menu including filet mignon and salmon mousse (longer menu after the jump), a hosted bar, and a live jazz performance by members of the company, but thanks to Jangl's service — an ID you can hand to strangers instead of your phone number — you can flirt without consequence!
Artificial Intelligence superstar Marvin Minsky, co-founder of MIT's AI lab, gives an "intimate conversation" at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Ten bucks at 6 PM. [Eventful] - Hey there hard charger, before you try a polyphasic sleep schedule, better learn how sleep works at this lecture by a fellow of the Stanford Sleep Clinic. [Eventful]
- Dogster celebrates its 300,000th user tonight from 6:30-9 at its offices in Potrero Hill. Expect milkbones and tummy rubs, if you've been a good boy. RSVP to russell (at) dogster (dot) com.
Get a Jangl ID in Advance
A key part of the experience will involve having your own Jangl ID. . .and to have that, you should sign up now (if you haven't already).
Why? At the party, we'll have some Jangl "social cards" available that have spots for your name and your Jangl ID. They're designed in standard business card format, and you can take your own stack of cards with you when you leave. Then, later, you can hand them out as desired, and help spread the word about Jangl.
If you haven't signed up, just visit Jangl and click on "Register" (or click here). Don't worry about the "closed beta" notification — you'll promptly get an email invitation at the address you supplied. Click on the link in that email and sign up, and bring your ID to the party so you can grab your Jangl social cards.
Food & Drinks
Along with a hosted bar from 6 - 8 p.m., we'll have some seriously good food available. See below (and yes, this probably beats anything else you'd eat on a Wednesday night in October). This is only a partial listing.
- Vegetarian Mini Samosa with Mango Chutney
- Mint Marinated Lamb Skewers with Tahini Sauce
- Beef Filet Mignon Slice on Mashed Potato Beignet
- Steamed Asparagus with Italian Dip
- Vegetarian Roasted Raviolis with Soy Cream
- Home baked Baguettes
- Cajun Chicken Bites with Toasted Cashews
- Smoked Salmon Mousse served in Vol au Vent
- Gorgonzola & Caramelized Asian Pear served in Sugar Mini Cone
- Scallops & Shrimp Ceviche