Bill Gates talks to Nigeria's First Son

Last week I got an email from someone at Microsoft asking if my dad was the president of Nigeria. I almost deleted the email without responding until I looked at the person's email signature and it said "Executive Assistant to Bill Gates". So I responded and it turned out that Bill Gates was going to be in Nigeria over the weekend to meet with my dad and he wanted to chat before his trip.
So says Dare basanj ? (pictured), Microsoft program manager and son of Nigerian President Olus gun basanj ?. Gates let him blog the ensuing discussion. It's a fascinating story, but it leaves out one obvious question — how many of Dare's emails to Bill Gates got spam-filtered?
"Dear Mr Gates, I am Dare basanj ?, the son of Olus gun basanj ?, the President of Nigeria..."
Meeting Bill Gates [Dare basanj ?]
Photo of Dare [Channel 9]