'Post' Air-Quote Editor Off His Game
Yesterday, the normally air-quote-happy New York Post picked up an Associated Press story about Mayor Mike Bloomberg's comments to the press about his future ran with the following lede,
When the question arose again Monday about Mayor Michael Bloomberg's presidential aspirations for 2008, he tossed out his stock denial and joked that he'd be "thrilled" to live in the nation's capital.
and went with the AP had attached to it:

Well, you see, what Bloomberg meant was, oh, if we have to explain it, it's not funny any more. The gullible headline came with the AP article and the Post isn't to blame here, but still, you'd think the headline writers would be armed and ready with the apostrophes.
The error was corrected, however, and the Post avoided the confusion altogether by going with a short and sweet headline.
Bloomberg denies 2008 aspirations — but would love to live in DC [NYP]