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Let us begin.

Joining the ranks of the ghastly blogosphere, if even for a short time? I never thought I'd see the day.

Is this the equivalent of when high-powered attorneys take on pro-bono cases for powerless masses?

What's the new gig?

Yes, anyone who knows me knows I am a committed populist who spends every waking hour — and much of my REM sleep — caring deeply about the powerless masses. As for the new gig, all in good time.

Principal Denton sez we should be nice to you — at least for awhile. And, if I may say so, I am in favor of the ban on all Hiltons because really its a lot like the tree in the forest, ya know, and maybe if nobody hears them the entire family will go away So, here is my question: Over the years have you met any really nice socialite(s)?

As a matter of fact, I have. It is, after all, a socialite's job to be nice — at least to your face.

KarmaBites1 writes on her blog that you are a "gentleman and a true journalist" for not publishing the Olbermann e-mails she provided you with. Question: Will you continue to bash Keith every chance you get? And what are the odds you will publish those e-mails one of these days? And by the way, are you dating anyone?

I blush. I have no wish to bash Keith Olbermann. I did once, some months ago, when he decided my twentysomething assistant was fair game, told a bunch of fibs about her on the air, and named her, on his precious show and on his odd little blog, "The Worst Person in The World." As for the emails, I think I will leave them locked in my bottom drawer for now. But I know where to find them if I need them. Dating? I'm always the last person to know.

Did any guys ever offer you head to be mentioned in your column?

I assume you're speaking metaphorically. But the answer is still no.

Do you regret the whole "Ignore Paris Hilton" thing? Did she really piss you off that much that you were willing to risk losing gossip's biggest boldface name?

The Paris ban served its purpose — which was to get attention for my then-new gossip column. The prohibition received lots of cable TV play and got me my one and only guest-shot on the Today show. Since then, not writing about Paris has been a very hard discipline, and one or twice I did backslide — though I never used her name. In my next gig, I will probably lift the fatwa if the occasion of Paris-mentioning ever arises.

— Lloyd Grove

Earlier: Ask Lloyd Grove: Priming the Pump