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Mass e-mailer Theo DP, who's too poor to afford a blog, sent us one of his mass messages updating the Hewlett-Packard investigation scandal:

HP CEO/Chairman Mark Hurd has gone back to his NCR roots, tapping fired NCR Corporate Counsel Jon Hoak to play Chief Ethics Officer Batman to HP's we-don't-need-no-stinking-penalties Chief Privacy Officer Robin. Sure, Hoak was involved with a regrettable NCR town-poisoning incident (or two), but he reportedly did a bang-up job of investigating NCR workers who slashed Hurd's tires after Hurd slashed their jobs. And the latest issue of The Mulligan (pdf) reports that Hoak is still calling the shots as Chairman of the NCR Country Club, where denim is a crime and execs cough up a $20,000 initiation fee and $5,000+ annually to play golf.