Cory Lidle Plane Crash: Late/Early Edition

• The National Transportation Safety Board presented preliminary findings at an 11 p.m. press conference, saying that the engine, mounting, and propeller of Cory Lidle's plane were found lodged into the burned-out 30th/31st-floor apartments that the plane struck. The fuselage, wheels, other parts, and the bodies of Lidle and his flight instructor were found on the street below.
• CNN reports that, shortly before the plane crashed, it issued a distress call about fuel trouble.
• No other fatalities, with most reported injuries coming from firefighters and police responding to the scene. The New York Times reports at least one person home in one of the apartments struck, the wife of a Dr. Parviz Benhuri, escaped with a few burns. The NYT also notes that one of the other tenants is Marvin R. Shanken, publisher of Cigar Aficionado.
• CNN's Larry King spoke with Cory Lidle's twin brother, Kevin Lidle, as well as New York Yankee's pitching coach Ron Guidry. Rush transcript after the jump.
LARRY KING, CNN HOST: We have lots of guests throughout the hour but we begin on the phone from Lakeland, Florida, with Kevin Lidle, Cory Lidle's twin brother. Thank you so much for spending this time with us, Kevin. We really appreciate it. How did you learn of this today?
KEVIN LIDLE, CORY LIDLE'S TWIN BROTHER (on phone): I was actually at work. And what I do, I teach baseball. And I was in between lessons with some kids and a buddy of mine called and he kind of started yelling in the phone, it was Cory's plane, it was Cory's plane.
And I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. And he finally
— he finally spit it out and said the plane registered with your brother's name crashed into a building in New York. And I — I couldn't believe it.
KING: Did you know he was flying today?
LIDLE: No, I did not. I talked to him yesterday. I didn't ask him when he was leaving New York or anything like that. Just in the normal conversation that I had with him frequently. You know, basically he was going to make some plans to go out to Phoenix and watch my baseball team play baseball out there.
KING: You have a team that plays in the winter league?
LIDLE: I play in an adult league, baseball, in Orlando and we're going out for the world series in Phoenix. And I had advised him to go and he wasn't going to be able to go because obviously he expected the Yankees to still be playing.
And when they got eliminated, you know, he called me and said, "When are you going to be out there? I want to fly out there." So, you know, that's the last conversation I had with him.
KING: Were you worried, Kevin, when he took up flying?
LIDLE: Not — I wouldn't say worried. I guess I had a little concern, like, you know, when he first told me I was like, why? But apparently he had flown in a private plane and really enjoyed it and learned to fly.
And I never questioned it. And I'm not — I'm not one to worry, you know, I'm not going to go along worrying every day of my life because he's flying. You know, I just hope for the best. And today was unbelievable news to me. I still — it still hasn't sunk in.
KING: How close were you, Kevin?
LIDLE: Well, we were really close, although over the last few years I had been living in Florida and he's been in California when he wasn't playing. So we didn't see each other all the time. But we talked on the phone quite a bit. And growing up, you know, we're twin brothers, we both played baseball. We competed at everything. And for that matter, we were as close as you could be while you're 3,000 miles apart.
KING: Identical twins?
LIDLE: We're actually fraternal. We look identical, but we are fraternal.
KING: Now, you have quite a high school team, right? You caught him, right?
LIDLE: I caught him in high school. Along with both the Giambi brothers, Jason and Jeremy, Aaron Small played on that team, Shawn Wooten and myself. So we made up a pretty solid team.
KING: What, Kevin, what kind of guy was he?
LIDLE: Cory — Cory was a normal person. And when I say that, if you were to meet him on the street, Larry, you would not know that he was a New York Yankee or a professional ballplayer. He's not one to brag and boast. He has — had a tremendous sense of humor. He loved to laugh and he was good at making other people laugh.
KING: He was also, I'm told, very outspoken, true?
LIDLE: Yes, he was not afraid to speak his mind. It got him in a little bit of trouble every once in a while, but that was him. You know? And I'm sure — I'm sure he wouldn't regret anything — he sees this level-minded and sometimes, he just would speak his mind.
KING: Kevin, here's a statement from your former high school teammate and the great Yankee Jason Giambi, a long-time friend of you and Cory.
Jason said, "Right now I'm really in a state of shock, as I am sure the entire major league baseball family is. My thoughts are with Cory's relatives and the loved ones of the others who were injured or killed in this plane crash. I have known Cory and his wife Melanie for over 18 years and watched his son grow up. We played high school ball together and have remained close throughout our careers. We were excited to be reunited in New York this year and I'm just devastated to hear the news."
Was Cory happy to come to the Yankees, Kevin?
LIDLE: Oh, he — he was ecstatic. I had talked to him the day he got traded. And, you know, I congratulated him. And he says, yep, this is gonna be different. And obviously it's the biggest stage in the world.
And he was very excited. He didn't know what the future held with the Yankees, but I know he was — he was hoping that they were going to ask him to come back.
KING: Have you spoken, Kevin, to your parents?
LIDLE: I've spoken to my mother and my father. They're — they're obviously having a tough time, but what can you do? I mean, somehow you hang in there and get through it.
I don't know that it has hit them as hard as it's going to hit him.
And I can say the same for me, I've had a lot of calls from friends and family you know, people calling and crying and they've released some emotions.
And I haven't done that yet. I don't know, I guess I'm in some kind of state of shock. I just got home about a half hour ago and saw a TV for the first time. And it was kind of weird the first thing that really hit me hard was I saw a picture of him and underneath it said 1972-2006.
That was the first thing that I looked at and I was like, that does not look right.
KING: Have you talked to his wife?
LIDLE: I have not. From what I understand, she was on her way home from New York, flying to California at the time. And I believe her plane landed in between a half hour and an hour ago.
KING: We're going to hold you a couple more minutes, OK, Kevin?
KING: I really appreciate it. Coming up, more with Cory's twin brother, Kevin. More words of sympathy and support from some baseball breaks. As we go to break, some video of Cory doing what he enjoyed most when he wasn't playing baseball.
KING: That was Brian Cashman very young general manager of the New York Yankees.
With us on the phone is Kevin Lidle, Cory Lidle's twin brother. And joining us also by phone is Ron Guidry, the New York Yankees pitching coach and one of the all-time great left-handers in major league baseball.
Ron, do you know Kevin?
RON GUIDRY, NEW YORK YANKEES PITCHING COACH: No, I don't think I've met Kevin. You know, my condolences go out to Kevin and all of the Lidle family. It's quite a shock, especially when, you know, you just left. And I was just reflecting on the last few days of the season, talking to Cory, and trying to plan, you know, next year and everything else.
And it's — it's really hard to accept and, you know, it makes what happens today, you know, it makes the end of the season seem immaterial to what happened today.
KING: Kevin, was he enjoying New York?
LIDLE: Oh, yes. He was loving it up there. Cory, in my opinion, was
— he liked to be on the big stage. I think when he was on the big stage, I think he, I don't know if he concentrated more, but he seemed to get more out of himself against tougher teams. And a lot was expected of you as a player in New York. And those are the kinds of things that Cory thrived on.
KING: What was he like to coach, Ron?
GUIDRY: Well, he was fun to coach. When he first came to us, you know, the only time that I got to see him was, you know, on television.
I saw him a little while when he was in Philly.
And then when I got him over here, you know, the one thing that I found out about him is, you know, he was a bulldog. He didn't have, you know, what pitchers say is overpowering stuff, but you have to respect him because he knew how to pitch with the stuff that he had.
And he always battled every time no matter what the circumstances were.
You know when he would go out to take the mound that he was going to give it his best shot. As a pitcher, that's all you can do when you go out there.
KING: Kevin, was he, for want of a better term, was he fearless?
LIDLE: Yes, he — he was fearless. He's a true competitor. He — he liked to — he knew what his job was. His philosophy on pitching was basically work ahead, work fast, and get out of, you know — he liked to try to go three pitches on each hitter.
If you're afraid of hitters, it's tough to do that. I mean, you have to get after those guys and that's what he tried to do. You know, I would watch a lot of his ball games on TV and it wasn't out of the ordinary to see him in the sixth or seventh inning with 70 or 80 pitches and doing just what he knew he needed to do, you know.
KING: Did he want to pretty much fly the rest of his life?
LIDLE: Yes. I never really got into a deep conversation about flying with him. As a matter of fact, I had never flown with him. But I do know this, this spring when he was in Clearwater, I went out to visit him and I went up to the apartment and he waved me over to the window and he had — I don't even know what it was. It was some kind of device for a plane.
He was reading the weather and telling me how much these clouds are going nine knots and the air is going — he was way out of my league when he was talking about that, but I knew at that point right there when he got out of his car, went in his house, he went over to his little toy. And, yes, to make a long story short, he loved it.
KING: Kevin, any funeral plans that you know of yet?
LIDLE: Not yet. I assume I'm going to find out a lot more tomorrow.
I still need to talk to his wife.
KING: Yes.
LIDLE: And I — I'm devastated to — I don't — that's going to be really, really hard.
KING: I don't think it's set into you yet.
LIDLE: I know for a fact it hasn't set into me yet.
KING: Thank you for talking to us. I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. It's difficult time, Kevin.
LIDLE: Thank you.
Earlier: Cory Lidle Plane Crash: Evening Wrapup, Cory Lidle's "High-Risk" Lifestyle