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Douchebags we have always had with us. But before the advent of the internet, their douchebaggery was of limited currency, shared only amongst their immediate acquaintances. Now, with the push of a single forward button, the whole world can, and frequently does, learn of douchebagism almost simultaneously to the act (or acts) of douchebagosity. We're thinking specifically here about Aleksey Vayner, the Yale senior who's now-famous resume-enhancing video has provided everyone at Gawker so much mirth over the last few days, but he's far from being the only douchebag out there. There's Lucy Gao,the Citigroup intern whose birthday e-mail became the stuff of legend. There's Darren Sherman, of the bad J-date. In fact, there are so many douchebags out there whose travails have become internet fodder that you could open a Douchebag Hall of Fame.

Which is exactly what we intend to do. Starting today, either via the comments section of this post or e-mail, we'll be accepting your nominations for the first class to be inducted. Remember, we're not looking for any run-of-the-mill douchebag; we want top notch douchebags, whose notoriety has come via the wonder of the Internet. Hit us up with your nominations, explaining why you feel your particular bag of douche deserves entry, and we'll start erecting the initial wing. Because together, we can start making people think twice before they hit "send." And isn't that what it's all about?