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Apparently a small plane has crashed into an apartment building at 72nd and York. Details are few and far between; we suggest that you immediately panic and speculate irresponsibly about possible terrorist attacks. We'll update you as we learn more; until then check in with Gothamist, this is the kind of shit they live for.

Aircraft crashes into NYC building [MSNBC]
Aircraft crashes into New York building [AP, which places 72nd and York "near Rockefeller Center."]

UPDATE: The A.P. brings you some important perspective: Rich people live there.

The address of the building is 524 E. 72nd Street — a 50-story condominium tower built in the late 1980s and located near Sotheby's Auction House. The Belaire Condo, developed by William Zeckendorf Jr., has 183 apartments, many of which sell for more than $1 million.

Okay, now we're paying attention.