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Silicon Valley's answer to Gawker Stalker isn't spotting CEOs and engineers — no one leaves their offices anyway — it's spotting signs of the new tech bubble. The first sighting is a real what-the-fuck moment: the photo above shows TV guide MeeVee abusing its $20 million in funding. A reader writes in:

The Bubble is totally back. As I type, MeeVee is putting up their name in huge blue letters on the building across the street. They've been filming this thing all day. The best part? It's on Airport Boulevard in Burlingame. This road gets NO traffic.

1) Why are they spending that much money to brand a building that (odds are) they don't even own
2) Why are they spending that much money to make thier name so prominent on a road that only office drones ever drive on? (Or are they looking to advertise to the business travellers in the Sheraton next door?)
3) Why the HELL are they wasting time filming the whole damn thing?

See money being wasted, bigshots citing junk statistics, a Corvette in the Google parking lot? E-mail with "Bubblespotting" in the subject.