Evan Almighty may be headed towards becoming the costliest comedy in movie history, but this deleted scene from the movie's prequel, Bruce Almighty, reminds us just how much can be accomplished on a limited effects budget. (It comes courtesy of Cracked's highly entertaining "The Most Absurd Deleted Scenes of All Time".) The original version of Steve Carell's famous gibberish scene was initially envisioned as a much more disturbing sequence, in which Jim Carrey's character wills blood to stream out of Carell's nostril moments before his head bursts into giant flames. We can't help but agree with Cracked's assessment that Carrey wasn't just acting here, but was actually conjuring up real, firestarting powers to use against his cunning protégé, who, in a classic, All About Steve scenario, was in the midst of stealing not just this movie from him, but his entire career.