Sightings are sent in by readers and posted to our Gawker Stalker Map. This is our occasional, old-school compilation. Send your sightings to

In this vintage version of Gawker Stalker: Penelope Cruz and Bono, Jimmy Fallon with Mario Batali and Moby at Bungalow 8, Katie Couric, Rod Stewart, Barbara Walters, Oprah, Victoria Silversedt, Rachel Weisz and Ryan Reynolds, Calvin Klein, Jake Gyllenhaal, Charlie Rose, Amy Sedaris, Tim Robbins, David Lynch, Kiefer Sutherland, Big Boi and Andre 3000, Ethan Hawke, Will Smith, Sigourney Weaver, Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, Neil Patrick Harris, Chelsea Clinton, Martin Short, Daria Werbowy, Kristen Johnston, Fred Armisen, Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson, Helen Hunt, Helena Christensen, Andre Balazs, Robin Williams, Rosario Dawson, Susan Sarandon, James Denton, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams, Anderson Cooper, Geraldo Rivera, Jack Black, Anna Paquin, DMX, Rhea Pearlman, Renee Zellweger, Elijah Wood, Dianne Wiest, and Alan Ruck.

Penelope Cruz and Bono sharing a table at PM in Meatpacking. Penelope looked gorgeous in a pinkish gown and Bono was in a black suit. Both were very gracious to their fans.

Penelope Cruz and Bono at Spotted Pig on Saturday night. Went upstairs to a roped off section. Cruz is so tiny.

Saturday, October 7th / Sunday October 8th, Bungalow 8, 3am-ish: Saw Jimmy Fallon and Mario Batali at Bungalow 8. Jimmy razzle-dazzled the crowd in a sharp suit, while Mario sported his signature fat man cargo shorts, hot orange crocks, and a polar fleece vest. Both took several trips to the bathroom... They were later joined by Moby, who appeared to not be using the internet.

Friday October 6th @ 8:00pm in the audience of a performance of A Chorus Line at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre Katie Couric, Rod Stewart and Barbara Walters. Rod Stewart snuck out before the lights came up but Barbara stayed to take it all in.

Double Whammy. First almost ran into (collided) with Oprah w/ assistant and body guard 5th Ave. and 49th. Got photo. 3 hours later followed a shaky looking Victoria Silverstedt as she strutted 5th Ave, near 50th in 4 " leopard skin stilettos and ducked into one of the shops that I probably couldn't fake my way into. Her legs were obviously having trouble keeping those shoes straight.

Rachel Weisz and Ryan Reynolds filming a movie at around 5:30 on Friday on Prince and Mott. Rachel is stunning and as most celebrities are, much tinier and skinnier in person. Ryan is a tall delicious drink of water.

I just saw Calvin Klein dining with an ordinary looking man at Bar Pitti. I knew it was him from the start, however, my date an the table next to me needed some convincing. Very skinny...but fairly good looking for an old guy. Signature glasses made it obvious

I have been reading that Jake Gyllenhaal as been around the West VIllage area all week. I am sitting in August for brunch today at 12pm and as I look up, Jake Gyllenhaal walks in at 12.10pm . He was alone and seemed to know the staff working there saying hello and walked straight to the back of the restaurant. Went to the bathroom to see if he was eating alone and was eating with a beautiful young brunette woman. He was smiling and was very casual in a grey sweater.

Saturday night 10/07 at 10:00 p.m., Charlie Rose sat down next to my table at Cafe Luxembourg (70th and Amsterdam) with a beautiful and very young and stylish Asian woman. They had a quick bite and left holding hands. It seems Mr. Rose is no longer dating Amanda Burden. He looked tall, healthy and handsome.

I saw Amy Sedaris sitting on a bench outside beard papa's with some guy all in black with glasses chatting while getting photographed by a guy. Wouldn't have noticed them if the photographer hadn't been getting in everybody's way.

Just saw Tim Robbins rollerblading down 7ave south at west 10th at 245 on sunday with a hockey stick in hand. He is quite tall on rollerblades.

David Lynch at the Sarabeth's on 59th Street at 2 p.m. Sunday October 8. He's just as eccentric in real life as one expects him to be, and smokes his cigarette as if he was in a film noir.
was walking along Greenwich Ave Sunday afternoon looking for a place to eat brunch. He was dressed casually in a gray t-shirt and jeans, and joined by a couple of equally good-looking guys.

I saw Big Boi and Andrew 3000 going into Mr. Chow last night (Saturday) around 10:30 pm. They pulled up in a black Escalade and had a small Entourage. Big Boi was sporting some major bling, but Andre was surprisingly toned down. Andre was a lot shorter than I expected him too. They both looked very friendly and shook a few people's hand

Ethan Hawke was standing on w22 and 7th avenue arguing with some girl who looked like his girlfriend? they caught my attention because of their noisy arguing.

Will Smith on 57th Street between 8th & 9th filming his new movie. Better looking in person, very hot car red 1999 Mustang with a white racing stripe

Almost collided with a spectacular looking and very tall Sigourney Weaver Friday afternoon, 10/6. I was on my way to visit my boyfriend who works at the Calvin Klein offices at 205 W39th when Sigourney, in a dark brown trench hurriedly left the building via the side entrance. Up close, she looked her age, marvelously I should add. The woman hasn't had work done because she's all wrinkly which I so totally love. Please, please grow old gracefully and do not go the Mary Tyler Moore/Faye Dunaway/Jessica Lange route.

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber walking on Mercer between Houston and Prince. Liev was walking a golden cocker spaniel and Naomi, a very small yorkie. Liev was looking VERY scruffy and they were both wearing sunglasses and looking inconspicuous.

Neil Patrick Harris at the 11pm show of "Evil Dead The Musical" at New World stages, West 50th. Looking good, wearing a grey t-shirt, sat on the aisle.

1:30 pm sunday october 8th, Saw Chelsea Clinton checking out the game outside Off the Wagon wearing too tight jeans.

Martin Short, walking in front of Josephina with woman. Dressed warm with scarf wrapped around neck. Short guy with big face.

Saw Daria Werbowy at Apple Store in SoHo just before noon. She was in a hurry in a Boho Chic outfit, and raced up the futuristic glass stairs to get something before people could recognize her.

On Sat at Lincoln Centre, saw Kristen Johnston all wrapped up for the cool weather up top, and black leggings & jean skirt on the bottom—legs so skinny, and not quite as "powerful-looking" as she seems on tv — very cute.

Saw Fred Armisen alone drinking coffee at a diner on the UWS Sunday at around noon. He was wearing shades indoors which I'd normally say was lame, but so was I, as there was an annoying glare coming through the window.

Saw Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson at the Regal Cinemas at Union Square on Saturday afternoon. They were there at 2:00 trying to get tickets (unsuccessfully) for the 3:15 show of The Departed. Like us, they had to settle for the 3:45. She is absolutely gorgeous, and he looked better in person than I thought he would. Sort of felt bad for them, since a gaggle of thirteen year old girls were following their every step as they killed time.

Helen Hunt looking super disheveled, wandering thru Noho with two middle age PA types. Wore pinkish shirt and jeans, messy hair. Nose is larger in person.

I was sitting in a cab at a stop light and Helena Christiansen walked throught the crosswalk with her child dragging a stroller behind her. She looked kinda grungy but pretty...very nice complexion. It was Saturday Oct 7 at 1pm.

Continental Flight 638 - Newark to Miami 8:30 pm: Hotel billionaire Andre Balazs practically ran me down when they announced First Class could board the flight. I sat directly behind him on the flight where he proceeded to down about a bottle of red wine and stood up to use the restroom at one point and practically broke his skull on the TV above his 1A seat. Pretty funny, considering the TV never came back down after that. Short, frail and pretty ho-hum, photographs well I suppose.

Sunday afternoon - spotted Robin Williams (looking great post-rehab) doing shtick outside saint ambrous on perry.

About 30 min ago I saw Rosario Dawson and some scruffy-looking/east village looking woman sitting near Hearth restaurant on 12th. Overheard her saying "tonight's awards" and scruffy girl asked who are they again? and Rosario saying something ,"'s" Is Rosario gay? Or coming out? Inquiring minds...

I saw Susan Sarandon at the Met yesterday in the Cezanne to Picasso display. My boyfriend asked me, "Doesn't that lady look like Susan Sarandon???" I was like, "It is Susan Sarandon!" I was very surprised he noticed before me! She was with her 2 daughters (I believe). She looks pretty true to her moviestar image. It was funny because no one noticed her at all!

My friends and I saw James Denton (Mike on Desperate Housewives) at Park Avenue Country Club solo, catching the Dodgers game. No one paid attention to him until some "desperate housewives" type fans offered some free drinks.

830pm @ Nobu 57: Saw Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams dining with a group of 6 other men and women at Nobu 57. Heath's hair looked long and scraggly but Michelle looked cute.

I just saw Anderson Cooper walking down carmine between bleecker and bedford. had heard he was only into young black/latino/blatino/blaxican guys, so imagine my surprise at the young WHITE boi by his side.

Saw a very orange Geraldo Rivera holding hands with a trophy brunette strolling down 33st between 7th and 8th avenue at 7:20PM on Monday Oct 9th.

Shopping bags in tow, Jack Black grabbing a regular slice and a soda at Famous Ray's Pizza on Prince Street in SoHo AND accepting it for FREE after being recognized by the cashier.

Saw Anna Paquin at the Sunday matinee of SubUrbia at Second Stage Theater. She was, most probably, there to see her boyfriend Kieran Culkin (who was amazing). She looked stunning. Thin, not scary thin, but none of her Circa-X-Men cleavage in sight. She was wearing jeans and a grey sweater. Her hair had red highlights. No makeup, but stunning nonetheless. She didn't appear to be trying to conceal herself at all. During intermission, she very excitedly greeted a young girl in the audience: a friend she hadn't seen for a long time.

Saw DMX at JFK International Airport at the Jet-Blue terminal. Was with a tall attractive blonde and his entourage waited outside with a blck suv. He waited by the baggage carousel to retrieve his luggage. He posed for a pic and shook his hand. Very friendly to everyone. Appears exactly the same in person as on TV.

Rhea Pearlman was just standing next to me at Westside Market (15th and 7th Avenue) ordering Nova Lox and doing some shopping. I accidently cut her off in an aisle and motioned for her to go ahead and she smiled and was like go ahead, I am still shopping. This was at 8.15am today, October 10th.

Yesterday I saw Ren e Zellweger at the checkout in Wholefoods at Columbus Circle around midday. She was looking very thin and a lot prettier in person than she does in the movies.

My friends and I saw Elijah Wood at Epstein's Bar (Stanton and Allen) last night, Oct. 9th, around 10:20. This was around the time that the Big Quiz Thing was getting out. Elijah and his friends were outside having a few drinks. He had a goatee and short hair, black tee shirt, and a messenger bag—basically the LES wardrobe. I was glad to see that I am considerably taller than him, but I guess most people can claim that. . .

I saw Dianne Wiest at Burritoville on 8th and 23rd when she walked past my table. I didn't say anything, but went near the front (near where she was standing) to get more salsa and verified it was her when I heard that signature voice of hers. She was with a young woman who had long reddish hair, possibly her daughter..? She sat pensive, facing the floor for a few minutes while the young woman ordered. They talked about seeing a movie, which I might also assume might have been her most recent film, "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints". I'm actually off to see the film this evening. She very beautiful in person.

Saw Alan Ruck (of Ferris Beuller fame) riding his bike in Battery Park by the Water Taxi kiosk, he was looking pretty normal and all, came by asking when the next boat was and saw me being helpful to a few other customers and gave me a heavy handed pat on the back when I pointed him and a tourist to the right place.