Valleywag party correspondent Megan McCarthy says where to throw down tonight and tomorrow.

Tribe goes native
8pm October 10th, 12 Galaxies, 2565 Mission Street, San Francisco
It's the Return of Digital Utopia! Judging by the party logo, Mark "Jack" Pincus will mark his return to by ritually draining the lifeblood from Jan "Piggy" Gullett's previous administration. Join the hippies and help them spin the night away with DJs culled from Tribe's membership rolls. Expect lots of hugs and touchy-feely vibes from a crowd sure to be having a rollingly good time. Remember, though, you will be surrounded by Burners, so leave the glasses at home in case security wisely tries to confiscate all incendiary devices.

Phone Phreak Out!
7pm October 10th, Phone Booth, 25th and S Van Ness in San Francisco
Remember when Cap'n Crunch was more than just a cereal? The guys behind Radio Handi go retro tonight at the aptly named Phone Booth and get their phreak on in the geekiest way possible. They ask that you "bring an interesting fixed line phone (rotary phones especially), [or] a small KSU or PBX that can power rotary phone ringers." This is the perfect place to get rid of all those RJ11 extension cords you have lying around the house. So, stop by, show off your mad skillz, and prank call that person sitting in the booth 10 feet away from you.

Creative Commons Salon SF / Fundraising Campaign Launch Party
6pm October 11th, shine 1337 Mission Street San Francisco
Come hear Boing Boing's David Pescovitz, Revver's Web 2.Ooh hottie Micki Krimmel, and Ryan Junell (uh... who?) as they try to wheedle some cash out of you in support of Creative Commons - the intellectual property agreement that allows Valleywag to have pretty pictures of parties. Check out the Flickr Photo Booth - San Francisco's nerdier version of Blue States Lose.

STIRR Mixer 1.7
6:00pm October 11th. Fanny & Alexander's 412 Emerson St, Palo Alto
Four more companies add themselves to the STIRR Alumni Roster - this month it's LicketyShip, PrefPass, Vyatta, and vFlyer all vying for your love and attention (this goes double if you're an investor) at the monthly demo-and-schmooze. Not on the exclusive guest list? I am! Comment below or email and tell me who to stalk at this party. Who is an interesting conversationalist? What companies should we know more about? Most importantly, who's good looking & single? I need to know for research purposes. Kthx.