How much does Patricia Dunn really know about illegal investigations? The former Hewlett-Packard chairwoman frustrated the panel at her Congressional hearing by claiming utter ignorance about the law and the nature of her company's investigation into a boardroom leak. At one point, she said that during the ill-fated HP investigation, she believed phone records were publicly available to anyone, causing Representative Greg Walden to freeze for five seconds making this face:

This image was lost some time after publication.

So why is she suddenly so wise about the world of corporate espionage?

If you think that Hewlett-Packard is the only company that has an investigations force — which by the way, is peopled mostly with former law enforcement officers that do all kinds of private detective work, monitoring, posing as other people in order to solve problems to protect shareholder value — you're being na ve.

Wow, Ms. Dunn, I liked you better when you were na ve.

Former H.P. Chairwoman Makes Court Appearance [NY Times]
Earlier: SV Confidential: Pat Dunn thought she could pull up anyone's phone records [Valleywag]