Jim Gilchrist, the founder of anti-immigration group the Minuteman Project, spoke at Columbia last night for all of two minutes until members of the school's Chicano Caucus stormed the stage, fists a-pumping. What followed was the sort of absurd melée that only a college activists can perfectly execute: punching, kicking, banner-grabbing, and for closure, screaming and chanting at no one in particular. One waspy student said the Chicano protest was "a poor representation of Columbia's intellectual capabilities. These people are animals..." But aren't they all?

Update: Because the children won't stop emailing, we'll note that the Chicano Caucus is claiming they had nothing to do with the events — i.e., the protest — that caused the event to be canceled. The Caucus does, however, take responsibility for being the chief organizers of the protest. Hm. Big difference there, kids.

Read This Now: Minutemen Mobbed [Bwog]
Protesters at Columbia Take Over and Trash the Stage at a Minutemen Rally [Metadish]
Minuteman College Talk Gets Violent [NYDN]
Earlier: Satan Punks Out Under Rule of Law