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Yesterday was a beautiful day, with blue skies and unseasonable warmth. The birds sang, children danced, and our hearts were full of love as we learned that Lachlan Murdoch might return to New York and resume his role at News Corp. We cried tears of joy, hopeful for the possibility that the most luscious mogul would come back to us. But as the sun went down, the rain came, washing away the happiness and ushering in a gray, cold, miserable excuse of a morning:

Lachlan Murdoch is "very happy" living in Australia, his wife Sarah has said, downplaying her father-in-law Rupert Murdoch's suggestion that his eldest son might rejoin the executive ranks of News Corporation.

She told the Australian, a News Corp-owned newspaper: "Both of us are very happy in Australia and our children are very happy here. It's a wonderful place to live, we pinch ourselves every day."

You pinch, we cut.

Lachlan Murdoch Happy in Australia, Says Wife [Media Guardian]
Earlier: Lachlan Has Not Forsaken Us!