• There's no way I'm touching this "WebGuild Conference" on October 19, but I can get a press pass if a reader volunteers to ride into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of Hell. In return for the press pass, the correspondent will provide live IM commentary of speeches by Google VP Marissa Mayer, MarketWatch reporter Bambi Francisco, and anyone whose speech is especially interesting (or mockable). E-mail tips@valleywag.com if you're interested. [WebGuild]
  • The stench of Web 2.0 reaches the nostils of the Spaniards, report foreign visitors interviewed by reporter Tom Foremski. [ZDNet]
  • Can't decide which scene this video interview (in which a WebProNews journo interviews podcasting startup PodTech's most public employee, blogger Robert Scoble) reminds me of: either the morning show hosts reporting from Cloud Nine on "Battlestar Galactica" as if the world hadn't blown up, or the documentarists from the crash-landed spaceship in "The Hitchhiker's Guide from the Galaxy" fatuously filming each other. [WebProNews]
  • Hey, good point, why is infamous DeCSS creator "DVD Jon" hacking Apple's Fairplay music-protection software if he works for them? [TechSmec]
  • AOL's "Blogging Stocks" catches the underreported exit of eBay's Developer Program Director. [Blogging Stocks]