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Attention Carter boys, this is how it's done. Last week, marginally legendary drag queen Flotilla DeBarge got involved in a scrap with two patrons at the Meatpacking District's Apt., which is desperately referred to as "a West Village club" in said article. Witnesses claim DeBarge didn't start the fight, but she finished it with interest, trouncing the offending seat-grabbing man and his date with her high-heeled shoes. DeBarge — perhaps most widely known for impersonating Star Jones on an anti-fur PETA calendar — reportedly spent the week at Rikers, but may have been released on bail by Friday. She joins Suzetta as another vintage-era Meatpacking habitu now finding the neighborhood less than commodious. Join Mickey Rourke in boycotting!

UPDATE: A tipster tells us that DeBarge did her time at the Tombs (not Rikers), but more importantly, her bail was arranged by none other than Florent Morellet of Florent fame. Neighborhood gals got to stick together.

Flotilla DeBarge Held in Assault [Gay City News via Queerty]
[Photo: Getty Images]