Michael Jackson And Ex-Incubator Put Legal Disputes Behind Them

Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, has long held a giant chip on her shoulder against the singer, perhaps stemming from the time he snatched his placenta-covered daughter from between her legs and spider-scuttled along the hospital walls and out the window with the newborn. Rowe has been trying to reclaim legal custody of little Paris and her brother Prince in the years since she relinquished all visitation rights to Jackson in 2001, and Jackson in return filed suit against Rowe in 1994, claiming she "violated a confidentiality agreement." (Read: Blabbed about the seven-story, Donkey Kong-themed bunkbed room at Neverland Ranch.) Today, the two ex-lovebirds finally put their quarrels behind them:
Attorney Marta Almli, who represents Rowe, did not disclose the terms of the agreement, which she said must be signed by a judge in the coming weeks. The judge's approval was expected to be a formality. [...]
"There is a settlement of all of the disputes between the parties," Almli said. "It's a done deal."
"He wasn't in L.A. when we resolved it but that didn't prevent us from talking about it with him and having him sign it," Abrams said.
Jackson's remote consent was most probably delivered by Blackberry from a picturesque Irish glen, as most of his free time lately is taken up scouting the future site of his new amusement park. And while the details of the agreement haven't been made public, we hope it's slightly more generous than Jackson's initial proposal of allowing Rowe to glimpse her kids once per year, and even then only as he dangles them from the top spire of one of his park's most ambitious attractions, Patrick The Hairless Leprechaun's Haunted Castle.