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Because Fridays are about feeling good (in the neighborhood, if you will, and we do hope to see you at the 'Bees for after-work drinks!), a heartwarming story about actor Edward Norton at an unnamed NYC restaurant:

A female server waited on [Norton] and on an all-male party of ten right next to them. The all-male party was really demanding, drunk, and totally inappropriate with the waitress. Two of them in particular were overtly sexual withnher. She asked them to stop and they cooled off for a while, but continued soon after.

Apparently, Norton alerted the manager of the problem before the waitress had the chance, so the two harassers got kicked out and the rest of the party soon followed. After they cleared, Norton said, "I apologize for my gender. Sorry you had to endure that." She thanked him for talking to the manager.
The rest of the evening was quiet; Norton and his date were there for about an hour and a half. Their bill was around $100 and Norton left $200 in cash.

We're not quite sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, Norton's got an amazing publicist or is, in fact, a good guy. And that's nice, you know? Humanity and all that. But on the other hand, celebrities aren't the same when they're actually kind. Once you start pulling good samaritan acts, you're clearly not working as much as you'd like.

Ed Norton Sticks Up for Waitress [Tip or Tat]