• Why is Yahoo's stock stuck in the mud while Google's soars? Because Yahoo is slow, the CEO is "non-confrontational," and they don't "throw things against the wall and see what sticks." In other words, it's a good old media company. Hey, at least it takes those things decades to die, not the months of a real dot-com. [Economist]
  • Bored by three-hour Peter Jackson movies? So is he, so his next project is Microsoft's newest Halo game title. [Kotaku]
  • I tried really hard to think of a joke about HP involving corporate scandal and this camera with a "slimming" feature, but it's just not working. Can anyone bring the wit? [HP.com]
  • Geek calculates the Web 2.0 hype percentage for the TechCrunch blog at 66% — two thirds of all TC posts include the loaded phrase. [Shmula]
  • The FBI calls Silicon Valley a "hotbed" of economic espionage. [Mercury News]