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When Jack Nicholson absentmindedly fished out a strap-on from the bowl of sex toys by his door on his way to The Departed set with a vague idea he might be able to incorporate it into that day's performance, he never could have imagined that the prosthetic appendage would eventually become the hottest supporting performer in town. The much-hyped sexual aid has again found its way into the gossip sheets, with Rush & Molloy drilling the actor about future projects he might share with his up-and-coming co-star:

Scorsese ended up whacking the prosthesis from the hooker scene. But it survives in an episode where Nicholson flashes Matt Damon's character in an adult theater.

What's more, Nicholson told us, "I'm planning to market a line of them on the Internet - in Day-Glo colors!"

We asked if he might call it the "Jack Nicholson Signature Model," sort of like Jack Nicklaus' golf clubs.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that," he said.

This is Hollywood, after all, so don't be surprised if the strap-on's agent convinces it to unsentimentally sever ties with the legend and seek out a younger partner. "Nicholson's an old man!" new rep Ari Emanuel of Endeavor will whisper. "Let's get you hooked up to someone hotter and edgier. With one phone call I can get you attached to Sacha Baron Cohen. By the end of Borat 2, all anyone will be talking about is how you stole every scene from the foreigner with the funny mustache."