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  • Hewlett-Packard's chief in-house lawyer, Ann Baskins, resigned and won't appear in today's Congressional hearing. Her lawyer says Baskins always thought the investigation of HP board members and outside reporters was legal. [NY Times]
  • Chairwoman Patricia Dunn yesterday repeated her claim that no one told her these investigations could be illegal. She also says she didn't hire the investigators who impersonated people to get their private phone records; they already worked for HP when she ordered the investigation. Because that...makes...such...a...difference. [NY Times]
  • HP stock is up as investors admire how CEO and now-chairman Mark Hurd is handling the situation, as well as the actual company, which is making major bank since he took the helm in 2005. [Wall Street Journal]
  • Business blog DealBreaker, which is holding a Pat Dunn Sympathy Watch, promises to cover today's Congressional hearings, which should include testimony from Dunn and from the investigators. Sez DealBreaker, "Expect some tough so you thought stealing the phone records of your board members was legal?" [DealBreaker]