New Page Six Staff Doesn't Quite Get It

Lord knows we've not much pity in our hearts for Page Six, but the poor things must be dealing with a very dry hiring pool. Yesterday their newest hire, blogger Corynne Steindler (left), sent out a mass email announcing that her new gig would be celebrated with a party sponsored by the Thom Bar at Sixty Thompson. Surely Thom was just providing the open bar not because she's the newest Sixer, but simply because they adore Steindler, right? Bars just love to do nice things like that for people, especially bloggers! But when Radar called Post brass to ask about the situation, Steindler was quickly forced to cancel her party:
From: Corynne Steindler
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:45 PM
Subject: Farewell Party Revised
Hey everyone,
So ... due to the fact that I am totally not permitted by Page Six to accept this very nice party offer from Thom Bar (who knew?) I am relocating my good-bye Jossip party. I am not exactly sure where yet, but, I'll keep you posted. And bring cash. No frooze at this gig. Sorry!
Okay, so that's one embarrassingly uncouth hire for Page Six — but swagmongers never roam alone, and the column's other new reporter, Sarah Polonsky (above right), isn't much better. Today Radar reports that Polonsky was busted for accepting free massages at Stereo's Hamptons outpost after the Stereo publicist sent out an email that listed Polonsky amongst the club's VIP visitors. Comparatively, however, that's nothing: in another incident, Polonsky tried to get out of paying her bill at Gin Lane by saying to the waitress, "I work at Page Six. Don't you know who I am?" So. Awesome. We didn't know people said that in seriousness anymore. Retro!
The rest of the Page Six staff — vet Paula Froelich and Bill Hoffman — must be thrilled. We doubt their salary covers the cost of holding this shit together.