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The time: 9 a.m.
The date: September 21, 2006.
The place: 5th Avenue at 21st Street.
Sighted: "I just saw Danny Glover walking down 5th ave at about 21st street on my way into work at 9 a.m. Was taller and older than I expected."

Danny Glover is looking old these days. To be fair, Danny is 59. Are the years of epilepsy he suffered as a young man catching up with him? Perhaps. Were the box office sales of the laugh-fest The Shaggy Dog disappointing? Undoubtedly. However, his current state of decrepitude cannot be explained away by failure to apply Olay Regenerist or simply falling off the enema wagon. No, friends, mild-mannered Sergeant Murtagh is looking tired because of his cross-border and cross-gender sexcapades.

Oh you read correctly. When not fondling Harry Belafonte to the tune of "Day-O," Danny engages in passionate hair-caressing kisses with the singer, whom he refers to as his "closest, closest friend." Just friends? Unlikely. Indeed, Danny and Harry are such "close friends" with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez that Danny hugged Hugo dangerously closely following Harry's speech in support of Chavez. And beyond the palpable sexual tension between Riggs and Murtagh that could not possibly have been faked, Glover also spoke at the San Francisco LGBT Pride Parade this past June.

While banana tallying might be enough for most, Danny also gives his weapon a lethal workout sexing women. After he divorced his wife Asake Bomani, Glover reportedly had a string of relationships, including one with assistant Esailama Diouf, and two with women named Gina. Tired of the old ball and chain, Danny now spends his time piously attending Hotel Workers Rising rallies in support of improving conditions for hotel workers worldwide, and then retreating to his hotel to screw prostitutes on fresh linens.

So it's no wonder Danny looked haggard trolling the streets of New York. He's getting too old for this shit, even though it's this shit that may be making him old in the first place.

Gawker Stalker