When we last checked in with The American Prospect, the soporific liberal rag that plays Lunesta to The Nation's Ambien, the title was busy severing ties with Brendan Nyhan for being too nice to Republicans. Now a source inside the book sends the following note:

At our weekly editorial meeting, it was announced that Editor Mike Tomasky will be leaving, and the editor-at-large Harold Meyerson will be taking over. It was also announced that there will be some belt-tightening over the next year, and there will need to be re-evaluations about the necessity of certain positions (God knows where they'll make cuts). In any case, Mike told us that he'll be leaving in order to write his book, and said he stepped down voluntarily. But he also acknowledged that certain fundraising goals had not been met.

Also, he was overheard saying that "deep down, Chuck Hagel may not be 100% pure evil." Meyerson's previous tenure as editor was widely (and unfavorably) compared to a various historical transportation disasters; we can't wait to see how things turn out this time!

Earlier: Liberal Rag About As Tolerant Of Dissent As Conservative Rags