Sure, we'll jump on that dogpile. If you glance at the Fox News "iMag" video dumping ground, you'll see a clip labeled "Campus Hook-Ups" under the "Back to School" category. Apparently this video has gotten various MSNBCers quite hot and bothered, and one can read a textual paraphrase of the naughty bits on HuffPo. In a nutshell, the clip advises new college students on how best to bang their way through higher education, albeit in the most vague, general, and obvious ways. For this, Fox is getting roasted, since it seems inappropriate that the conservative network should espouse free love with such straightforward vigor. All we can says is: Where's the fire? It's minor-key amusing that Fox is encouraging extramarital sex, but this clip is hardly less offensive than, say, "Dorm Room Makeover!". Plus, they do trot out some highly insincere advice about drunk-fucking, which can result in the postcoital walk of shame, illustrated above. They also suggest "dating" alternatives to bars, such as bowling alleys (which have bars, and with good reason). "Try different activities besides just the drinking thing." There are different activities?

Fox News Sexpert: Welcome To College! Have Lots Of Sex! [HuffPo]