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Yesterday morning a bevy of chief marketing officers were taking part in an Advertising Week discussion entitled "Catch and Release" at the McGraw-Hill auditorium in midtown. Simultaneously, a few blocks south, a vast number of McGraw-Hill employees were being "released" from their jobs. Estimates suggest that the textbook publisher terminated approximately 300 people, including editors, production types, and administrative assistants. As for the "catch" part: around one hundred of these folks can keep their jobs if they accept the "opportunity" to move to the bright lights of cosmopolitan Columbus, Ohio. So if you're working in the creative industries you can expect a flood of resumes from desperate former employees who, if nothing else, know how to make sure that minorities and the handicapped are presented attractively in your publication.

Advertising Week: Catch and Release. Fishing For the BIG Idea. [Copyranter]

Earlier: Devious Publishing Industry Cons Impressionable Children Into Believing That Hispanics Are Friendly, Well-Groomed