• Pew Internet releases its second Future of the Internet report. One finding: In the next 15 years, "Humans will remain in charge of technology." Oh good, I was afraid the Machines would take over. [Pew Internet]
  • Comic books, published on the web before they go to books! It's like webcomics only it gets in the New York Times! [NY Times]
  • Video sharing site VideoEgg launches an ad network today. As fellow snark blogger Eran Globen tells me, it's almost time for someone to invent TiVo for Internet video and scrap all the ads that we came here to escape in the first place. [Press Release]
  • UnFaced, a service that lets Facebook users spy on people checking out their profiles and run compatibility tests, gets some press, bringing it that much closer to a privacy lawsuit. [Daily Texan and UnFaced]