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Industrious data-miner and Jane-blogger Lindsay Robertson imports a maneuver from the Los Angeles Times, checking out what the neighbors are renting from Netflix via their "local favorites" listings. Cruelly, Netflix doesn't do New York by ZIP code, denying us the chance to compare the Lower East Side's preference for slash porn to the Upper West's inclination for complete seasons of PBS programming. Nevertheless, we do get results by borough, giving us the following top-ten for Manhattan:

1. New York: A Documentary Film (8 Disc Series)
2. Born Rich
3. Barbarians at the Gate
4. Celebration
5. Human Resources
6. Grey Gardens
7. Metropolitan
8. New York Stories
9. Barefoot in the Park
10. Jayne Mansfield Collection: The Girl Can't Help It

Predictable, except perhaps the Jayne Mansfield kink. Let's speculate exactly which neighborhood is ordering those discs, shall we?

What's Your Movie-Taste Demographic? [Jane]