• NY Times Tech Headline: "H.P. Investigators Sought Meeting With Top Leaders." We knew all along at H.P. Chairwoman Patricia Dunn was apart of some government conspiracy gone wrong. Is it really that far-fetched that the UN might be involved in the leaks as well? [NY Times]
  • The blog Techcrush brands itself as the antidote to popular blog TechCrunch. Round 1 in the race for the common cure-all goes to Techcrush, pending lawsuits and all. TechCrunch sending a vitrolic cease and desist to Techcrush is such bad form, not to mention tacky. (Update: Yeah, that'd be wrong, says TechCrunch's founder. Another blogger wonders if TechCrunch is even trademarked.) [Techcrush]
  • Silicon Valley MILFs have sex too. It's hot. [Silicon Valley Moms Blog]
  • Social networking site for hippiesTribe loses their red logo. Donut freak out, the getting-back-to-their-roots revamp includes fading red to orange. Someone get founder Mark Pincus a Feng Shui for Web Dummies pronto. We'll comp. [Hell Online]
  • With Yahoo's imminent buy-out of the social networking site for yuppies, Facebook, founder Mark Zuckerberg's plan to ruin his site with his bogus changes has now been officially foiled. [VentureBeat
  • Newly acquired Rocketboom host/import Joanna Colan is auctioning off the titanium necklace that she wore in her debut. Current bid is $127. It was placed by blogger Robert Scoble, who mistakenly thought he was bidding on Amanda Congdon. [Ebay]
  • First politician Joe Lieberman weighed on an "ethical" crusade against belligerent/unruly bloggers he claimed help him to lose the nomination and now blogger Michael Arrington is ranting about the anonymous scribe of Dead 2.0, who was recently nearly outed. We may as well fuel this little fire, so we'll reveal who this cynical Web 2.0 blogger is — as soon as we're good and ready. [CrunchNotes]

— Beth Gottfried