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AdAge's Nat Ives breaks another one:

Conde Nast, already putting finishing touches on the first test issue of Vogue Living, is rolling out another special in an extension of its Golf Digest titles: Golf Digest Index. Only subscribers with household incomes above $320,000 will receive 'Golf Digest Index.' The new title, which will be sent to 300,000 of Golf Digest's wealthiest readers next month and come out again twice next year, eschews golf instruction and celebrities of the sport in favor of — you guessed it — lifestyle coverage, all the better to attract luxury advertisers, a key base for most of Conde Nast's titles.

And now let's all have of moment of silence in sympathy for all the poor sons of bitches who subscribe to Golf Digest and only make $310,000 a year. Is there to be no luxury mag for them? Life is so unfair.

'Golf Digest' Finds a Way to Fit in at Conde Nast [AdAge]