• When Hewlett-Packard hunted for the board member who leaked info to CNET, they created a fake HP executive, "Jacob," to tip CNET writer Dawn Kawamoto.
  • HP planted a tracer in an e-mail attachment, hoping to see if she forwarded the e-mail to HP board member George Keyworth.
  • Ex-chairwoman-to-be Patricia Dunn mentioned in internal e-mails that her successor, CEO Mark Hurd, was "on board" with this operation.
  • What to ask your friends over liquid lunch: How ironic is it that the Washington Post just got leaked info about HP's effort to catch a leaker?
  • Really, who at HP told themselves, "Gee, this is a good time to leak sensitive information to a high-profile newspaper!"
  • No seriously, ask your co-workers if they know. If they do, can you point them to tips@valleywag.com? Kaythanksbye.

HP CEO Allowed 'Sting' of Reporter [Washington Post]